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CGI animation workflow

Requirements & Main Steps In Animation Workflow

Our staff is trained in many programs and has learned from world-class visual studios. Every artist at BOC Studio has many skills to help them control our projects, especially large-scale projects. Based on our architectural understanding, we are able to analyze and suggest to our clients about best methods for their projects. Let’s take a look at our services which could be helpful to your requests.

CGI animation workflow

in step by step

Framing-Step 01

Client & BOC discuss about Script & Storyboard to help BOC be able to create Framing Images

Client & BOC discuss about Script & Storyboard to help BOC be able to create Framing Images

Detail Modeling-Step 02

BOC focus on modeling progress to make the model more detail

BOC focus on modeling progress to make the model more detail

Basic Flow-Step 03

Client & BOC discuss about Draft Animation to analyze and give mark-up to improve detail.

Client & BOC discuss about Draft Animation to analyze and give mark-up to improve detail.

Detail Frame Checking-Step 04

Finish all request of concept design to prepare for final rendering animation

Finish all request of concept design to prepare for final rendering animation

Framing Checking